Platelet Rich PLasma (PRP)

What is PRP?

PRP therapy is a well-established injection treatment known for its ability to stimulate tissue regeneration. By utilizing a small portion of your own blood, PRP therapy promotes the production of collagen and new skin cells, harnessing the natural healing properties within your body. This advanced technique works wonders in restoring youthfulness and radiance to your face.

PRP face treatments are nourishing and regenerative procedures designed to tap into your body’s extraordinary healing capacity. These treatments are highly effective for subdermal tissue repair and addressing various facial concerns, including crow’s feet, dark circles, sun damage, acne scarring, and enlarged pores. The best part is that PRP face treatments utilize only your body’s own materials, without any artificial substances involved.

It’s important to note that PRP face treatment may not be suitable for individuals undergoing anticoagulation treatments, those with autoimmune conditions, a history of cancer, severe anemia, low platelet count, abnormal platelet function, or active systemic infections. As with most cosmetic treatments, non-pregnant, non-breastfeeding women who are not trying to conceive are the ideal candidates for this procedure.

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A variety of uses for your every need

Clients often experience immediate effects after PRP treatment, with collagen production continuing to improve over the following weeks. This is when you’ll witness the remarkable results of this technique, as your skin’s texture and appearance undergo a rejuvenating transformation.

PRP face treatment is known for its minimal side effects, as the body is unlikely to react adversely to its own natural products. Some mild to moderate swelling, redness, or warmth in the treated area may occur, which are common side effects of platelet activation. Additionally, temporary bruising may occur due to the injection process, but it typically resolves within a few days.

Unlike other injection fillers, PRP treatment stimulates collagen growth for overall facial renewal rather than localized enhancements. While hyaluronic acid fillers are effective for softening deeper lines and plumping specific areas, PRP face treatment excels in volumizing faces, improving cheek indentations, addressing eye hollows, enhancing overall skin tone and texture, and filling areas that hyaluronic acid fillers may not reach or be suitable for.