
Turn Back the Clock: Rejuvenate Your Skin

Welcome to Mike Lee Laser and Skin Clinic, where we understand the frustrations of acne-prone skin and the desire to eliminate dark spots. Our goal is to help you bid farewell to those stubborn dark areas, wrinkles, and pimples while enhancing your skin’s radiance and texture. Experience the transformative power of microneedling, a cutting-edge treatment that can significantly improve the appearance of your skin.

Microneedling is an ideal solution for those looking to slow down the aging process, address scars caused by burns or acne, and enhance the appearance of stretch marks, wrinkles, and expression lines. Additionally, it works wonders in brightening dull skin and restoring texture by reducing the appearance of pores.

During microneedling, microscopic skin punctures are created, triggering your body’s natural healing response. As a result, your skin will appear plump, pink, and luminous for a few weeks. The short-term effects include improved plumpness and radiance due to swelling and mild inflammation. However, since microneedling’s efficacy stems from the skin’s healing process, significant results may require multiple sessions.

Say Hello to a Fresh, Radiant Complexion

It’s important to note that microneedling is a painless outpatient procedure that does not require anesthesia or extensive postoperative care. The treatment begins with a professional assessment to determine your skin’s specific needs and the recommended number of sessions.

Before microneedling, your skin will be thoroughly cleansed and sanitized. A customized combination of substances will be applied based on your desired outcomes, followed by the use of a microneedle device to penetrate to the desired depth. The sessions are quick but effective, making them perfect to have as a lunch-time treat if you work during the day.

Our experts will recommend the use of a variety of skincare products post-treatment and it is crucial to avoid sun exposure and consistently apply sunscreen. Mild redness and a slight sensation of warmth in the hours following the session are normal but should not cause discomfort. As a precaution, it’s advised to avoid direct sun exposure and refrain from wearing makeup for 24 hours after the treatment.